Why Coldwell Banker
Coldwell Banker Amber Coast Realty, Dominican Republic
Amber Coast Realty, with many years experience in Dominican Republic real estate, was specifically selected to represent and develop Coldwell Banker on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. Over 117 years of experience and more than 3000 offices and 100,000 sales associates and brokers worldwide makes us the leader in the international real estate market.
Our goal, with the backing of the most trusted name in the business, is to combine one of the most modern and powerful marketing systems available together with our years of valuable knowledge and experience here in the Dominican Republic and deliver an unparalleled service to our valuable clients. We strive on consistency and continue to adapt to the changing market making sure that all our sales associates are up to date with current market trends.
Contact Amber Coast Realty today and experience what we can do for you.
By the numbers:
- Sales Associates and Brokers: 100,000+
- 2008 U.S. and Canada Sales Volume: $169,524,778,759
- Residential Offices Worldwide: Approximately 3,600
- Over 60 million visits to www.coldwellbanker.com every year.
- 9 out of 10 Coldwell Banker customers were so satisfied with our service they would recommend us to a friend.
- Nielsen Net Ratings is showing an industry increase in unique visitor web traffic at 5%, however, Coldwell Banker, www.coldwellbanker.com is outperforming the industry average and is showing a 10% increase in unique visitor traffic, year over year and is one of the Top Ten most heavily visited real estate sites in the world.
- U.S. Affiliated Companies: 1,074
- Presence in 50 countries
- Offices outside the U.S.: More than 900
- 1 out of 8 home sales in North America involves a Coldwell Banker agent.
- In 2008, Franchise Times magazine’s prestigious Top 200 issue ranked the Coldwell Banker system No. 1 in real estate for the ninth straight year and 12th among franchisors in all industries. In 2009 Coldwell Banker was ranked No. 2.
- Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC ranked highest among real estate companies in satisfying home sellers according to the recently released J.D. Power and Associates 2009 Home Buyer/Seller StudySM.
Worldwide locations:
- Aruba
- Australia
- Bahamas
- Barbados
- Belize
- Bermuda
- British Virgin Islands
- Canada
- Cayman Islands
- China
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Curacao
- Czech Republic
- Dominican Republic
- Egypt
- France
- Greece
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- India
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Italy
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Kuwait
- Lebanon
- Malta
- Mexico
- The Netherlands
- Nevis
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Peru
- Puerto Rico
- Romania
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- Spain
- St. Croix
- St. Maarten
- St. Kitts
- St. Thomas
- Turkey
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- United Arab Emirates
- United States of America
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
Who are we?
Coldwell Banker Amber Coast Realty was specifically selected to be part of the largest real estate company in the world and represent the most respected brand name in the industry here in the Dominican Republic.
We are recognized globally as one of the most professional companies offering real estate and property rental services throughout the Dominican Republic.
At Coldwell Banker, our key focuses are detecting the real necessities of our clients, to offer real estate services of exceptional quality and to continue the legacy that started over 117 years ago
Expect something different from your next home.
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